We Specialize in Grooming!


We want to provide you with a quality hair cut and a thoroughly clean pet. For those pets that shed, we want to remove as much undercoat as we possibly can so that the coat can properly insulate the pet whether it is summer or winter. We specialize in Grooming. We don't sell items or board dogs, just groom. We are committed to continuous education in the field of Grooming by attending Grooming Seminars and Grooming Shows. There is always more to learn.


We use Professional Products PH balanced for dogs and cats. Our Shampoo does not contain soaps or fragrance so it won't irritate sensitive skin.

  Cage Free    

Cage Free! Most dogs dislike being caged which causes them undue stress so we try not to cage your pet unless requested.

      We ♥ Dogs!  

We ♥ Cats!


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